Thursday, March 11, 2010

Our own celebration for CNY

Alina's celebration for CNY
Here is how it is:

My family and I received lots of 'hongbao' which is also known as red packet in chinese. It contains even numbers of amount of money. We bought Chinese snacks which was mostly nuts, but it was delicious. Then we went to visit my cousins, we exchanged red packets and had dinner together. The next day, our whole family went to KFC at westmall. My family members are actually a non-chinese, so we didn't celebraed CNY much. So there, I saw lots of people with new clothes or buying new clothes, most of them were wearing red red. Some of the people even wore 'qipao' which is a traditional dress for the women and other traditional chinese costumes, they were all extermely beautiful. I wore a red top on that day. After the meal, we did lots of shopping and I got a new purse. Well, thats all. Hope you will enjoy reading the others! :D

Jerica's celebration for CNY
Hiya. Okay, here it goes:

I went to my granmother's house on the eve (1 day before the day of CNY) of CNY. We had reunion dinenr which was steamboat. There were different food like vegetables, meatballs, abalone, shark's fin soup, scallope, mushrooms, fish and more, accompanied by rice. It was a hearty meal. We rested awhile after having dinner and ate desserts like 'tang yuan' which is rice balls in English and had barbeque pork. My grandmother made chrysanthemum tea for us as she said most people fall sick during the CNY period due to the choice of food so we should have more water. After that, we went home.
The next day my family went to Malaysia to visit my other grandmother and to visit relatives. They were staying in a part of Malaysia--Penang, so we took and airplane there. We arrived about an hour then we headed to visit them. My father rented a car and he drove us there. We spent 2 days over there and did a lot of visiting. It was a great time over there as I had not seen and played with my cousins for a very long time. I didn't sleep for the whole night as we were playing with fire crackers and watching horror movies. That's about all. I'm looking forward to next year's CNY!(:

1 comment:

  1. Looking for Chinese new year ideas to ensure fun for all without the hassle? CNY is just around the corner. We are coming up with great Chinese new year party ideas that satisfy everyone can be a difficult task.
